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BODY CLEANSE: How to Detox Your Body in 5 Easy Steps

Updated: Jun 11, 2023

If you're like millions of others around the world, you are dealing with some serious Covid fatigue. Staying home more than normal has created some unhealthy, disgusting, perhaps even dangerous habits for many many people. It may be time for a body cleanse. Maybe you've been drinking too much. You're worried about your liver and why you keep waking up with kidney pains and stiffness. Maybe you're seriously bloated from eating too much pizza and fried foods. Perhaps you feel very week in general and can't think straight most of the time. Your bowel movements frighten you frankly and you don't remember the last time your belly wasn't hanging over your belt. Well, you're not alone!

It might just be time for you to do a master cleanse. Let's do a fresh reboot of your body so that you can feel better, have more energy, and get back to the you that you admire and love. The you that you know is worthy, and joyful, and happy to be alive. Instead a sad sack of blob on the couch watching Netflix while you slowly cower into depression. I'm currently doing a 14 day body cleanse, and I encourage you to join me.

Body Cleanse

It is March of 2021 now already. Some of you may have fallen off of the proverbial bandwagon and already given up on your goals this year. Maybe you want to get in shape for summer, given that vaccine rollouts and doses mean that summer might actually be somewhat enjoyable this year. It does not matter where you currently are right now. January isn't the only time to take positive steps in your life. You can start today. Just keep positive and focus on your why, or why's.

Body Cleanse

My why's for cleansing currently are:

1) I want to have more energy to be better at my career and responsibilities

2) I have gained some weight and I want to drop 20 pounds in 2 months so I look and feel better about myself - i.e. have more confidence

3) My sleep is suffering from anxiety and poor health, so I want to feel better when I wake up

4) I want to feel like i'm in control again of my life. Alot of shifts are happening around me and it all feels like a bit of a whirlwind. I need to take the reigns - And just do it!

These are mine. Yours might be different. I would highly suggest you not only write your goal or what you want, but your why - because it reinforces the feelings you're fighting and want to overcome. There is a subconscious attachment to your daily cycles of routine thinking and behavior. You either enforce dread or you enforce positivity. You have to overcome those limiting beliefs and and push through. So if your conscious mind says " I WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT!" Your subconscious mind may be thinking "change scares me - I don't want to." Then you don't do it. It's a battle in your head. So, face it head on and reinforce the why or why's everyday to beat this inner resistance.

Body Cleanse


A body cleanse promotes better health overall. When you do a cleanse, you want to detoxify some part of your body. Cleanses are also referred to as detoxes. It's a detox because the aim is to remove bad toxins from your body that are causing you damage. Toxins in your digestive system, toxins in your skin, toxins in your brain, etc.


Body Cleanse

1. Juice cleanse

2. Water cleanse

3. Fasting

Organ specific

3. Liver cleanse

4. Colon cleanse

5. Brain cleanse

Each one of these cleanses has different aims and activates different processes in your body. Doing a full body cleanse will include all of these options. Cleanses, whether it be water or fasting help all your organs. However, there are specific changes to your diet to help detox specific organs. Some of the most popular are liver, colon, and your brain. When you do a cleanse it promotes weight loss, boosts your energy, improves mental and emotional health, and digestive health. There are many benefits you will experience with a complete body cleanse.

So, if you just feel terrible most of the time and want to start taking some simple easy to follow steps to completely rejuvenate your body and mind, here are 5 great steps i've done in the past, and i'm doing again, starting tomorrow. I will be doing this for 2 weeks. Join me if you'd like to and let me know how you're doing in the comments.


Did you know more than 90% of alcohol is metabolized in your liver? It's true. Your liver is responsible for digestion and ridding your body of toxic substances. It metabolizes fats, proteins, carbohydrates. It stores vitamins and minerals. So, by simply cutting out alcohol is the perfect way to flush it out and restart the healing process if you've been abusing it. It also is good for your brain. As it's well known alcohol kills brain cells. So, you can rejuvenate your brain and bring help your cognition and focus again.

✅ Liver Cleanse

✅ Brain Cleanse

Warding yourself off from alcohol can be challenging if you do it regularly. If you have a problem, experts warn not to do it cold turkey, but a bit at a time. However, if you're a binge drinker, having one or two may not be good for you - because you'll never stop. I personally just go cold turkey. I focus on drinking water and keep my mind busy with reading, writing, or being creative - like jamming on my drums for a couple hours. Use some of your talents or hobbies to distract you. Use the resistance for good, instead of bad.

Body Cleanse


✅ Liver Cleanse

✅ Colon Cleanse

Drinking more water instantly boosts your immune system. Dehydration is a big problem for people. Most people aren't aware of this but your your body is naturally dehydrated in the morning when you wake up. All night your body has been working hard to repair itself, build cells, recover from any immunity issues, and rebuild tissue from any exercise. In this process you actually burn carbs. That's right, you naturally burn carbs when you sleep. Remember that we are made up of 60% water, so the body always needs water and craves it.

So drink more water kick start your metabolism, flush out toxins, and get immediate energy. Throughout the day it's also recommended to drink at least 2 litres of water. When you flush and detox your body with more water, it helps to regulate your digestion as well as aids in cleansing your colon.

Body Cleanse


✅ Liver Cleanse

✅ Colon Cleanse

✅ Brain Cleanse

Body Cleanse

So, sugar is one of the absolute worst ingredients to put in your body. Put down those sugary drinks. Put down those sugary cookies. Put down the cereal and milk even. Milk is loaded with sugar. Don't add it to your coffee. Don't use it to cook eggs or anything. Use a avocado cooking spray if you must. I use that and it's much better for ya.

A recent study from the Indpendent has shown that the biggest cause of early death in the world is not smoking or alcohol. It's what you eat and ingest. Unhealthy eating and sugary drinks have found to be the number one reason for early death. This also includes salt and eating too much red meat.

Sugar is one of the biggest killers, contributing to heart disease, strokes, and diabetes. Sugar also aids cancerous cells to spread and grow in your body. So, start cutting down on your sugar intake - and as well artificial sweeteners - like sweet n low - these are artificial creations to taste like sugar - and smell like sugar - are in fact 600 times sweeter than sugar. They have been linked to cancer and is all bad. Remember that too much refined sugar and high-fructose corn syrup causes a fatty buildup that can lead to liver disease. Also, sugar elevates glucose in the bloodstream which can be harmful to the brain, resulting in slowed cognitive function and defecits in memory and attention. So, also by limiting sugars and sweeteners, you're also doing a liver cleanse. Try to go all natural if you can. It will be better for your life in the long term.


✅ Liver Cleanse

✅ Colon Cleanse

✅ Brain Cleanse

Overall, eating green vegetables is one of the best ways to improve your health and protect yourself from diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. More greens in your diet gives fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Eating darker leafy greens even hydrates you and is good for cleansing your colon.

Starting adding more spinach to your daily meals with meat. Add them with slices of chicken for your lunches. Try to cut out those carbs. Greens help to maintain clear blood vessels, lessen heart problems, and prevent bone loss and aging. They also help you poop actually. It's a type of fibre that feeds good bacteria in your gut.

This is whey alot of Eastern doctors ask patients about how are their bowel movements are, as opposed to how are you feeling? This is because they know that gut health is everything. They know that what those bowel movements are more than likely the best evidence of disease or malnutrition. Start adding greens and antioxodant foods into your diet.

Body Cleanse


✅ Liver Cleanse

✅ Colon Cleanse

✅ Brain Cleanse

I've talked alot about intermittent fasting. It's changed my life. It can change yours. Fasting has been practiced for generations. The most prolific scientists have talked about the benefits about fasting, especially in the last decade. The human body has been used to going without food for long periods of time, dating back to Home Erectus, almost 8 million years ago. It's known as feast and famine.

When your body isn't focused on digesting food, your body is focused on healing itself. Your body is the best healer. This is why fasting has been linked to curing cancer, reduced heart disease, eradicating diabetes, and proven to elongate your life span. It's also linked to curing Alzheimer's disease, limiting seizures for people with epilepsy, improves your immune system, and of course weight loss.

When I lost 40 pounds in 2.5 months, I practiced intermittent fasting 5 - 6 days a week. Now I just do it normally 3 - 4 days a week. It's very easy once you set a schedule for your body and eating habits. Remember that your body works on a clock just like every other automatic function. You can train it anytime you want. So, when I fast I do 16-8.

What you do is not eat for 16 hours, and have an 8 hour window for eating. It might sound challenging but It's not, considering that we sleep 8 hours a night. The best way to think about is that you're just skipping breakfast. What I do is stop eating at 8pm at night. Then the next day you have an 8 hour eating window starting at noon. The first 48 hours are always the most challenging, but once you overcome this, it will feel completely normal. You drink more water and are free to have coffee. Once you keep to this, the pounds will start melting off like butter. Your body will reward you for this.

Ok, so that's it everyone. 5 easy tips for a body cleanse. These tips will improve your energy, your vibrancy, emotional, and physical health. Do these simple things and you will see your life transform.

Wishing you all the best.

Body Cleanse


About the Author

Matt Jones is a writer and entrepreneur with multiple businesses who loves inspiring others to reach their full potential. He is also a musician, educator, and world traveler whom has been to over 40 different countries on all 7 continents. His personal mission is to create and inspire. He is from Los Angeles, but is now based in greater London.

Matt Jones Content Writer/Founder LIFE 2.0



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