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THE SCHOOL OF LIFE: 6 Harsh Truths To Remember

Updated: Oct 7, 2024

Life is full of unexpected challenges, and some harsh life truths can shape how we navigate through it. Understanding and accepting these truths can help build resilience, improve decision-making, and offer a realistic perspective. In this blog, I explore six essential life lessons—like the fact that life isn’t always fair—that can profoundly impact how you approach personal growth, relationships, and happiness. By embracing these truths, you can gain strength and clarity, making life’s obstacles a bit more manageable.

truths about life, man walking in field

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6 Harsh Life Truths You Should Never Forget

Life can be challenging, and some harsh truths are unavoidable. I've put together a comprehensive list for you. Here are six of them you should never forget:

1. Life Is Not Fair

One of the hardest truths to swallow is that life isn’t fair. Being a good person doesn't mean the world will react kindly to you. Sometimes hard work doesn’t yield the results you expect. You can be a great romantic partner, but still get cheated on. You can be a great friend, but still get stabbed in the back. Accepting this helps you develop resilience and manage disappointment.

You may have heard this phrase when you're younger and it doesn't quite sink in - because you don't have enough experience yet. As you get older and go through adulthood, this idea shows itself more and more. You see it in the workplace, in relationships, in various economic and social structures.

The point is to not play the victim, accept things as they are, and not blame anyone for your problems. Work hard, accept things can be unfair, and push yourself to be better every single day.

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Life is not fair, so get on with it, understand this, and you can be less disappointed. Let it inspire you and rise above any situation you go through. Hone your intuition and one day you will read people like reading the paper.

When you reach a situation that feels unfair or unjust, just brush it off as a fact of life. It doesn't mean you give up, not at all. If you can alleviate a situation based on something you could've done better, explore it. If nothing can be done accept it. There is power in acceptance. Power in decisions.

Denial is a rock you don't want to live under all your life because it leads to ignoring reality and living with blind spots. Don't do that - it's much worse.

2. You Can’t Control Everything

No matter how much you plan, life has a way of throwing curveballs. Focusing only on what you can control—your actions, reactions, and mindset—will help you navigate uncertainty with grace. Let go of the rest.

This point becomes more relevant when you lose a loved one. The pain it leaves behind is life altering, especially when it's unexpected. I lost my uncle this year - someone very dear to me. He was fairly young and no one saw it coming. It left a void that will be felt forever. I'm just glad he knew I loved him - so cherish people close to you.

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Sometimes you will not get that job simply because someone had more experience. You might love someone who doesn't love you back the same way. You might get screwed over by your business partner out of pure greed, something that also happened to me. I can't control the actions of other people. What I can control is how I react to the situation and how I allow these life lessons to guide me moving forward.

You can't control everything, but you can control how you react to them. Remember this, and you will grow stronger.

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3. Time Is Your Most Valuable Resource

You can make more money, but you can’t make more time. Every day you spend is one you’ll never get back. Prioritizing how you spend your time, whether in personal growth, relationships, or passions, is critical to leading a fulfilling life.

Some of us live as if we think it will be forever. However, we don't. We are all born with the same terminal diagnosis - that being none of us get out alive. Our time is limited.

While we're busy living for the future - the present is passing us by. So tell your family you love them everyday. Tell your friends you appreciate them everyday. Tell yourself to not let a moment pass by that you're not extremely grateful for.

4. Not Everyone Will Like You

No matter how kind, helpful, or generous you are, not everyone will like you. Seeking approval from everyone is exhausting and futile. Instead, focus on surrounding yourself with those who genuinely value and support you.

I've been a perennial people pleaser most of my life. This has been a challenging lesson to learn. I always assumed as long as I live my life with good intentions and integrity and respect everybody else it will come back to me. Nope, simply not true. Some people don't have the same values. Some people just don't care.

Be careful who you give your good energy to. It won't always be reciprocated. Accept it, have more confidence, and whatever you do - DO NOT GET YOUR VALIDATION FROM OTHERS APPROVAL. You only need it from one person; yourself!

So, live in your good nature. Don't let others affect your positivity with their negativity. Treat it like a fact of life and you will be less confused, less hurt, and less soft.

5. Failure Is Inevitable

Everyone fails at some point. What separates successful people from the rest isn’t the absence of failure, but their ability to learn from it and persevere. Failure teaches you more than success ever could—embrace it as part of the journey.

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I've failed in relationships. I've failed in business multiple times. I've failed in personal pursuits over and over again. I am not a failure because I keep on trying. You only fail when you give up. I hope you remember this. On the street of desperation, just around the corner could be your greatest success. Every serious entrepreneur will tell you tall tales of their failed businesses too. From Thomas Edison to Henry Ford to Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. They've all had failures, but kept going. To quote a cheesy movie, it's not about how many times you get knocked down. It's about how many times you get knocked down and get back up. Your story is not over. You still have plenty of life left to succeed.

So keep going. Live life courageously and do what makes you happy. Sometimes it will work out. Sometimes it won't. Life is short and you don't want to look back with regret.

Embrace the beautiful chaos of life and never stop trying. You will fail. It doesn't mean you're a failure. Keep going.

6. You Are Responsible for Your Own Happiness

Happiness is not something you find; it’s something you create. While external factors can influence how you feel, your long-term well-being is ultimately in your hands. Relying on others or external circumstances to bring happiness is a losing game.

Too many people choose the lazy route and blame others for their suffering. It's true that others can deeply affect us, but ultimately it's us who controls our mind and our emotions. Staying in the victim blame game is a losing battle. I've been betrayed more times than I care to count.

I see the suffering in life as a gift, because it is. If you appreciate the good times you must appreciate the bad as well, because without the sour the sweet wouldn't be as sweet.

Every second of everyday you are alive you are in control. You. You and nobody else. Remember that. So if you want to start taking charge of your life, start taking personal responsibility. This should be encouraging to you. It should inspire you. You control your destiny. You control your future. You control your life.

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Life's Harsh Truths Conclusion

Life's harsh truths may be difficult to accept, but they hold the key to living a more realistic and fulfilling life. Acknowledging them helps you navigate challenges with a balanced perspective, allowing you to grow stronger and more resilient in the face of adversity. Remember: Life may not be fair, but how you respond to it is entirely up to you.

You upgrade your life when you accept responsibility for where you are, what you're doing, and are accountable to your own actions every. Single. Day.

With love and light,

Matt Jones is a writer and entrepreneur with multiple businesses who enjoys inspiring others. He is also a professional musician who has been to over 40 different countries on all seven continents. His personal mission is to create and inspire.

He is from Los Angeles but is now based in Greater London. His latest book "Life 2.0" is available on Amazon. He's a recovering people pleaser and nice guy navigating his way through life trying to maintain his sense of happiness and personal enlightenment. Send a question or feel free to say hi.


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