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10 quotes about happiness to inspire your life

Updated: Jun 11, 2023

We all want to be happy right? Goals, accomplishments, dreams, are all fine. What we really want at our core is just to be happy. We just want to enjoy this life and make the most of it while we still can. We can’t always be happy though can we? Sometimes we could use a bit of inspiration. Use the following motivational quotes below to inspire your happiness today. Pass on happiness by sharing this with your friends and family. Live happy!

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Quotes about Happiness

1. Mahatma Gandhi knew the power (from being a monk) that the unification of your mind, body, and spirit all need to align. When your head is in line with your heart, you have truly found happiness.

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Quotes about happiness

2. Life moves so fast that often fail to remember that our time here is limited. As Steve Jobs put it, "remembering that i'll be dead soon is the most important tool i've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life.

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Quotes about happiness

3. If you have an abundance mindset, you will never be poor. When you learn to appreciate the small things in life, anything greater will only compliment your current happiness. Gratitude is the key to a happy life. Learn to be grateful for what you have, and you can be happy everyday. Don't wrap your happiness up in a thing, a place, or a person.

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Happiness quotes

#happiness#happinessquotes#happinessquotesaboutlife#quotesabouthappiness 4. Marcus Aurelius was an amazing leader as well as an inspired philosopher. This quote has been recycled so many times by so many great thought leaders and life coaches. However, it started in ancient Greece. Marcus Aurelius knew about the law of attraction and that you attract what you think about.

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Happiness quotes images

5. When you have passion for something in life, you truly have everything. It determines your life purpose and career. When you don't care about what others think, you have so much self confidence and self adoration that your personal happiness is so powerful.

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Quotes about Happiness

6. Only through overcoming obstacles do we learn personal growth. We should change our relationship with pain and hardship. We should appreciate it, because it's a natural part of life. The more you deny it, the more you suffer.

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Happy Quotes - Life 2.0

7. This happiness quote is a tribute to optimists everywhere. Optimists can be a bit misunderstood, as if they wake up happy everyday and go to bed happy. It's a state of mind that ebbs and flows. Some more than others - If you want to learn how to be more positive, you need to look beyond the imperfections, and appreciate the good as well as the bad.

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Quotes about Happiness

8. When we learn that happiness comes from within us, from our personal relationship with ourselves, we are truly happy. Don't ever look for happiness in others or in things. When you respect the universe, admire and appreciate it, you develop happiness. It start with a personal relationship between you and the universe.

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Quotes about being happy

9. Again, the power of our thoughts are so powerful. It's an amazing gift that we have the power of decision under any circumstance we experience. Choose to let go of the bad and bring in the good.

10. When we focus on the good, we see more good. We we focus on the bad, we see more bad. It's a simple mind trick. We choose good or bad every moment of the day. We determine our daily lives, our weeks, months, and complete life ultimately.


About the Author

Matt Jones is a writer and entrepreneur with multiple businesses who loves inspiring others to reach their full potential. He is also a musician, educator, and world traveler whom has been to over 65 different countries on all 7 continents.

His personal mission is to create and inspire. He is from Los Angeles, but is now based in greater London where he lives with his wife and son.



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